When your business expands with your ideas, identity, and your impact... 
A body of work that feeds your soul, fills your bank account, and changes the world. 
 Even if it's just you're small corner of it. 
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Join me August 4th, 5th, and 6th and learn:
  • 3 reasons you might be feeling stuck right now and how to get unstuck from each of them. 
  • why the future of your business might rely on your thought-leadership 
  • how to differentiate yourself as a thought-leader, coach, and consultant in a way that only YOU can
When your business expands with your ideas, identity, and your impact you end up with... 
A body of work that feeds your soul, fills your bank account, and changes the world. 
 Even if it's just you're small corner of it. 
  • 3 reasons you might be feeling stuck right now and how to get unstuck from each of them. 
  • why the future of your business might rely on your thought-leadership 
  • how to differentiate yourself as a thought-leaders in a way that only YOU can
hey, friend... the future called.
It said the person you're becoming is already here. You just have to get out of the way.
Transformation Resume... 
  • I struggled through school with untreated ADHD which manifested as major behavioral issues by middle school.

  • I was a teen mom, high-school dropout at 15 years old, and still entered college a year early after homeschooling myself for two years. 

  • I was on welfare with a total monthly income of about $800 in my early twenties with two children in elementary school. 

  • In college I started to design a youth development programs using art and social justice. My programs were funded and went on to earn tens of thousands of dollars, which supplemented by income and allowed me to get off of public assistance.
  • I've made multiple 6-figures as a social impact business coach.
  • I earned multiple 7-figures as a diversity, equity, and inclusion consultant and coach, and coach educator.
  • I've had top podcasts, am an award-winning author, and TEDx Speaker.
  • I have a Masters in Science in Psychology and am a PhD Candidate in social psychology studying coaching, how coaching can help facilitate a more liberated world.
Who's am I? 
Hi! I'm Trudi Lebron and my entire life has been a story of transformation and expansion.

Starting from my first job, Teen Mom, I've created and evolved my identity, my work, and business many times to respond to changes in the world, seasons of my life, and to pursue, what feels like, callings from the universe :)
Me at sixteen studying to take the GED exam that I would become eligible to take a few months after my 17th birthday. 
And my work has made an impact on the entire coaching industry.

If you're a coach, chances are I've worked with one of your teachers at some point in the last five years. 
Who's this for?
Great question! Thanks for asking :)

This training is for coaches, consultants, and subject matter experts who want to use their thought-leadership, and businesses to leave the world better than we found it.

Here are some indications that this might be the training for you.

You've been in your field for between 5-10 years, you're an expert or leader in your field and you're ready to amplify your impact.

You joke (but are you really joking) about closing your business and starting from scratch.


You have some ideas you've been noodling on for a while but you can't seem to get passed the "thinking about it" phase

You have a lot of responsibility and you're having trouble figuring out how to get off the hamster wheel you're on, so you can have space to expand or pivot.

You feel like something is going to need to change soon (or needed to change a while ago) 
Amplified Impact:
  FREE: Thought-Leader Training for Experienced Coaches & Leaders  
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 FREE 3-Day Training
August 4th -6th
1p EST 

I know what it feels like when you're being called to expand and evolve because I've done it so many times. My process for expansion and alignment will help you get break out of your box and into your next era with ease and excitement.